Tuesday, March 5, 2019

O' Flesh of Mine

Could you smell my flesh?
Burning raw in blood
With sooted mouth, and harrowing smell
It peels everyday, it bleeds every hour

This smell burns my eyes
I am blind, blind to hollowness
Heard the rituals of funeral moan
Thorough in verse, hoaxed to death

Nothing stops from the flesh to heal!
None cares to stop to see
Yet it hangs like a mortal curse
Forever, ever - a sm
elly terse

Dearest flesh, don't hang so low
Don't give up quick, don't take the blow
It makes you suffer, to become silt
It make you burn, till the tilt

Don't give up yet
The burning blood fate
Feel the grief of a larger pain
Don't let it rot, just in vain

O flesh of mine! I smell you through
Every night, you slither a rue

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Letter to Ma,

Understanding is base to commitments. When language seems foreign and listening becomes tenuous, words disappear. One will never understand a person goes through until the same situation encompass.

She is my solid support even to this day. I understand now her frustrations, her anger, her rogue moments.

Listening to her words in numbness, in my cold days. Her words swims through all my ages. One promise I seek is not make Ogu be part of my rogue.

Bottling up things is part of my growing, it continues. I have learnt it from you. I have mastered the art of being alone even in a crowd. I know, am absolutely different and so I stand alone.

I am strong to stand alone. To build my bridge of my troubled waters.

Thank you my dearest best friend,
Love you the most …
So scared to be without you

Monday, September 24, 2018

Uni, my freedom

You are my sins, you are my war
I have walked alone and come this far
You are my trouble, whom I set free
You germinate inside to become my tree

You are my rebel, you make me scream
You live inside and make me dream
I see you through, growing in slumber
I count your moments, as I remember

You make me exist

You are my soul, my words by far
You are my silence in my days
You make me high, set a bar
I see my dreams in your eyes
I see my future, where it lies

Uni, you are the reason now
I get my strengths through you some how
I will let you grow with every part of me
I will wait for knowledge that you'll see

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Journey of a Mother

For nine months, it was waiting for a heart that kept on beating. It opened its fingers summoned me to create - a poetry, verse, a notion or a mind. The first time you feel that warmth makes you so much alive.

He is 14 months now and how my times flies, I have no idea. Someday, I will sip over a cup of coffee and mull over my journey. Ogu by then you will have your own perceptions and thoughts. It will be good to have a conversation with you to understand your political ideologies, literary inclinations, and taste of music.

My mother gave me the freedom to be "Me;" and I will do the same to you. I will enable you to get what you want to be, not restricting your imaginations - it might be how unreal it be!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thoughts! Yet Again

When I said 'nothing', I spoke a lot
Some assumptions exposed, as we fought
My silences reveal meanings
For you cannot say, or know
And all your thoughts, you let it grow

It grows and dies,
With all my sins, I lie

When we spoke not once
Neither you nor I
Sat with empty mouth, with no words to shout
We don't understand the other
Drowned in senses, not to bother

Numbness seeps deep through
A pungent smell, I see it brew

A pattern stir deep
As we take a leap
Thoughtless nights, as I sit to wonder
What must I think? What must I ponder

I have become so blank
Where all my smiles sank
What do you see?
Ain't all feelings gone? 
I feel, I am yet again reborn

Birth is a new phase, or return to an old
Words that I collect from you every fold

Ask not me! Where I am lost
Why did I speak ? At what cost?
A sentimental foe fumes in 
I commit, I commit yet another sin!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Another mundane


Thoughts, I have spoken to you
In loop, iterating our perceptions
Thoughts, I had a coffee with you
In our evenings, when all work is done
Thoughts, when we took a walk
When words ran dry, sentences didn't talk
We ran from one argument to another
Consumed by mundane breather
Then, we pause for a while
Exchange a courteous smile
Part our ways
To begin a new phase
An argument to come
An argument to grow
A perception revealed by some
An assumption to throw
There, I see, you building a phrase
Punctuating your terms
Slowly crafting a tedious maze
Curating a chase

Our arguments grow, in a vicious flow
Words - peak and crest low
Voices of my head taste so numb
Neither I hear, nor can I sum

Arguments! yet again come with me
Words still flow, not meant to be
Get lost! you thought
Bother not me
Let me live peacefully in my ignorant abode 

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Of Conversation!

Sometimes I ask, can I converse?
Of words sense, thoughts so terse
I know not words to soothe you
I know not pain to hurt through

In days like these, can I speak?
Of thoughts so pure, not childish!
I know I make a lot things rough
I know my days will become tough

Sometimes I wonder, how subtle can I be?
I speak some words for you not to see
I know you mean not those words of pain
I know still, my mind will sustain

Just when I think, these moments are mine
Everything around is an act of time
I know not how to be mature to you
I know how to have a conversation through

I know my words don't speak my mind
I never learnt to utter thoughts, sigh! a sigh!
I am versed to hold back well
Am scared dear, to reveal, to tell